Amanohashidate Beach

Located on the Amanohashidate land bridge, it is a popular beach close to Amanohashidate Station. Other nearby attractions include Amanohashidate Viewland (one of the overlook points to view all of Amanohashidate) Chion-ji Temple, and Amanohashidate Onsen.
■ Parking / (about 1,000 cars) ■ Shower / Yes ■ Toilet / Yes
■ Dressing room / Yes ■ Coin locker / Yes
■ beach hut / yes
■ beach season: July 20th-August 25th


Need information on getting there, or want to ask how the surf is?  

Drop the Kyoto by the Sea DMO tour center a message in English about anything Kyoto by the Sea related. The contact form is located on the previous BEACHES page.